Our Staff at Star Valley Lodge!

 In Star Valley News

At Star Valley Lodge in Wyoming, we employ an amazing staff.

Our team members possess the highest standards of kindness, skill and dependability.  In addition, every one of our employees are driven to represent the Wyoming spirit of Star Valley Lodge.  Mike Maholchic and Cindy Rowland go to great lengths to identify self-starters with diverse experience and skill sets.  So, not only do we have an effective workforce, but a well-rounded, talented and complementary team.

We recently asked our team why they love working at Star Valley Lodge… and we thought we’d share everyone’s answers with you here!

Cindy Rowland, Operations and Booking
I enjoy working with our dedicated team, who are always so genuinely passionate about guest service.  It’s great to see how our staff works to support and celebrate one another.

Kori Hunter, On-site Coordinator
It makes me very happy to know working at Star Valley Lodge will allow me to meet people from all over the world.  I love also what our brand stands for in terms of quality, responsiveness and truly genuine western hospitality.

Bradie Rees, Grounds and Landscaping
Coming to Star Valley Lodge to take care of the grounds is special for me.  Our employee culture, wonderful guests and the beautiful landscape of the valley make for a great work experience.

Jacob Hunter, Outdoor Concierge
Every season of the year offers a new adventure.  I enjoy hearing how the guests are completely satisfied with their experience in our wild, beautiful outdoor surrounding areas and can’t wait to return.

Rose Caiazzo, Marketing
I am always excited to learn about unique guest stories and people’s lively experiences at Star Valley Lodge.  I also am able to work at the most gorgeous location with a team of passionate professionals who truly love what they do.



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Star Valley Lodge
4271 Willow Creek Lane
Bedford, Wyoming 83112


Contact:  Cindy Rowland
Email:       CindyRowland@StarValleyLodge.com
Phone:     (307) 201-6250

Connect with us!

The Wyoming Retreat Blog:  https://svlproduction.wpenginepowered.com/Blog
Facebook:   https://www.Facebook.com/StarValleyLodge
Twitter:        https://Twitter.com/StarValleyLodge